

· 系所:珠三角科技金融产业协同创新发展中心

· 性别:男

· 民族:汉

· 职称:副研究员

· 职务:硕士生导师

· 学历:研究生

· 学位:博士

· 电子邮件:kcho731101@ 163.com



National Taiwan University

Visiting Scholar 2024

State University of New York College at Geneseo,U.S

University of Essex,U.K

Visiting Scholar 2023

Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, China

NanlingScholar (南岭学者) 2023-2026

Associate Researcher, School of Finance 2020-now

Okayama University,Japan

Visiting Scholar 2020

Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade, China

Minjiang Scholar (闽江学者) Chair Professor 2020

Brock University, Canada

Visiting Scholar 2018

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China

Deputy Director, Department of Securities and Futures 2016-2020

Assistant Professor in School of Finance 2015-now

University of Yuan Ze

Lecturer in College of Management 2012-2013


University of Yuan Ze

Ph.D. in College of Management (Finance) 2010-2015

University of Shih Hsin

BS major in Communication and Management 2002-2007


Dr. Ho is an associate professor at the Guangdong University of Economics and Finance. He was awarded the title of Minjiang Scholar (闽江学者) Chair Professor. He received his Ph.D. in Finance from Yuan Ze University and a BS from Shin Hsin University. Dr. Ho is a subject editor for Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, and a guest editor for Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Policy. He has published more than 70 SSCI papers in the Finance field: Journal of Corporate Finance, Pacific-Baisn Finance Journal, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money; Accounting field: Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance,International Journal of Accounting, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting; Business field: Journal of Business Research, Corporate Governance: An International Review; Economic field: Energy Economics, International Review of Economics and Finance, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, etc. Besides, he participated in dozens of academic conferences, including American Accounting Association, Asian Finance Association, China Financial Annual Conference, CICF, Econometric Society, European Finance Association, European Financial Management Association, Financial Management Association, INFORMS, Taiwan Management Institute, Western Economic Association International and so on. He has worked as a reviewer for more than 40 journals, including Accounting and Finance, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Energy Economics, Financial Innovation, Finance Research Letters, International Journal of Finance and Economics, International Review of Economics and Finance, Managerial and Decision Economics, Renewable Energy, etc.主持国家社会科学基金1项,主持国家自然科学基金1项,主持多项省级项目。




  1. Kung-Cheng Ho, Cheng Yan, Zhicheng Mao, andJiafu An*. 2023. Corporate sustainability policies and corporate investment efficiency: Evidence from the quasi-natural experiment in China. Energy Economics, 127, 107050(SSCI: Q1; ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  2. Kung-Cheng Ho*.How language differ: Evidence from stock price crash risk in 36 countries. International Journal of Finance and Economics (forthcoming)(SSCI: Q1; ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  3. Chang-Chih Chen,Kung-Cheng Ho, Cheng Yan, Chung-Ying Yeh,and Min-Teh Yu*. 2023. Does ambiguity matter for corporate debt financing? Theory and evidence.Journal of Corporate Finance, 80, 102425. (SSCI; ABS Ranking: 4). [CrossRef]

  4. Jinxian Li, Yujing Gong,Kung-Cheng Ho, and Cheng Zheng,*. Trust and stock price efficiency. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money (forthcoming)(SSCI: Q1; ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  5. Kung-Cheng Ho, Yiling Chen, Dezhu Ye, and Cheng Yan*. 2023. Now is the time: The impact of linguistic time reference on corporate default risk. International Journal of Accounting (forthcoming)(ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  6. Yumei Feng, Yuying Pan, Kung-Cheng Ho*, and Guanchun Liu*. Corporate governance of weak stakeholders minority investors and investment efficiency. Emerging Markets Review (forthcoming) (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  7. Kung-Cheng Ho, Xin Xu, Xixi Shen*, andJinxin Yu*. CSR, market supervisions, and learning effect. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting (forthcoming) (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  8. Can Huang, Hung-Yi Huang*,and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2024. Media coverage and stock liquidity. International Review of Economics & Finance, 89, 665-682 (SSCI: Q1)[CrossRef]

  9. Kung-Cheng Ho, Renji Sun, Yang Lei, andHui-Min Li*. 2023. Information disclosure as a means of minimizing asymmetric financial reporting: The role of market reaction. Economic Analysis and Policy, 78,1221-1240 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  10. Kung-ChengHo,Huang-Ping Yen, Shih-Cheng Lee*, and Canyi Lu. 2023. Does information disclosure and transparency ranking system prevent the default risk of a firm? Economic Analysis and Policy, 78, 1089-1105 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  11. Xiaoran Kong, Siping Xu, Ming-Yuh Liu*, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2023. Confucianism and D&O Insurance Demand of Chinese Listed Companies. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 79, 101996 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  12. Zhu Jun,Kung-Cheng Ho,Sijia Luo, andLangchuan Peng*. 2023. Pandemic and tax avoidance: Cross-country analysis.Economic Modelling, 124, 106300 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  13. Kung-Cheng Ho, Hung-Yi Huang, Zikui Pan, and Yan Gu*. 2023. Modern Pandemic Crises and Default Risk: Worldwide evidence. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 34 (2), 211-242 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  14. Huihui Chen, Kung-Cheng Ho, Ming Zhang, and Qidi Zhang*. 2023. Effect of Managerial Ability Toward Corporate Social Responsibility on Enterprise Default Risk. Finance Research Letters, 54, 103700 (SSCI: Q1) [CrossRef]

  15. Lisi Shi, Kung-Cheng Ho, and Ming-Yu Liu*. 2023. Does societal trust make managers more trustworthy? International Review of Financial Analysis, 86, 102537 (SSCI: Q1; ABS:3) [CrossRef]

  16. Kung-Cheng Ho, Xixi Shen, Cheng Yan, and Xiang Hu *.2023. The influence of green innovation on disclosure quality: The mediation role of media attention. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 188, 122314 (SSCI: Q1; ABS:3) [CrossRef]

  17. Cheng Zhang, Yunchi Lee, Kung-Cheng Ho, and Xixi Shen*. 2023. Influence of institutional differences on trade credit use during pandemics.Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 77, 101928 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  18. Cheng Zhang,Kung-Cheng Ho, Cheng Yan,and Yujing Gong*. 2023. Societal trust and firm-level trust: substitute or complement? An international evidence. International Review of Financial Analysis, 86, 102543 (SSCI: Q1; ABS:3) [CrossRef]

  19. Yongbo Ge, Xiaoran Kong,Geilegeilao Dadilabang, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2023. The effect of Confucian culture on household risky asset holdings: Using categorical principal component analysis.International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28 (1), 839-857 (SSCI; ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  20. Yan Gu,Hung-Yi Huang, Kung-Cheng Ho, and Shengnan Liu*.2023. How do executives with foreign experience adjust their capital structure toward targets? Evidence from China. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 36 (1), 1470-1489 (SSCI).[CrossRef]

  21. Chang-Chih Chen, Kung-Cheng Ho*, Hui-Min Li*,and Min-Teh Yu*. 2023. How do information disclosure ratings improve investment efficiency? Evidence from China. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 60, 471-500 (ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  22. Can Huang, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2023. Does the presence of executives with a legal background affect stock price crash? Corporate Governance: An International Review, 31 (1), 55-82(SSCI: Q1; ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  23. Kung-Cheng Ho, Renji Sun, Yu-Xin Li, and Zikui Pan*. 2023. Supplier concentration, market power and R&D Investment. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, 52 (2), 264-293. (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  24. Yunxi Tang, Kung-Cheng Ho, Ji Wu, Liping Zou, and Shouyu Yao*. 2022. Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance and maturity mismatch: Evidence from China. Applied Economics, 53 (32), 3747-3765 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  25. Hung-Yi Huang, Cheng Yan,and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2022. Does managerial compensation influence price efficiency? Pacific Baisn Finance Journal, 74, 101794 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  26. Kung-Cheng Ho, Lu Yang, and Sijia Luo*. 2022. Information disclosure rating and continuing overreaction: Evidence from Chinese capital market. Journal of Business Research, 140, 638-656 (SSCI: Q1; ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  27. Cheng Yan, Zhicheng Mao, and Kung-Cheng Ho *. 2022. Effect of green financial reform and innovation pilot zones on corporate investment efficiency. Energy Economic, 113, 106185 (SSCI: Q1; ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  28. Xiaoran Kong, Xueying Zhang,Cheng Yan,and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2022. China's historical imperial examination system and corporate social responsibility.Pacific-Baisn Finance Journal, 72, 101734.(SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  29. Yu-En Lin, Jia-Qi Yu, Hsiang-Hsuan Chih, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2022. Near is more: Learning efficiency of R&D innovation among interlocking firms.Financial Innovation, 8, 53 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  30. Kung-Cheng Ho, Shin-Cheng Lee, and Jiun-Lin Chen*. 2022. Book-to-market equity and asset correlations - An International Study. International Review of Economics & Finance,79, 258-274(SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  31. Yan Gu, Kung-Cheng Ho*, Senmao Xia, and Cheng Yan*. 2022. Does public environmental concern promote new energy enterprises' development? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. Energy Economic, 109, 105967(SSCI: Q1; ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  32. Renji Sun, Kung-Cheng Ho, Chiu-Lan Chang, and Sijia Luo*. 2022. How does analyst coverage influence corporate leverage adjustment: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 58 (13), 3881-3897 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  33. Kung-Cheng Ho, Chia-ling Yao, Chenfang Zhao, and Zikui Pan*.2022. Modern health pandemics crises and stock price crash risk. Economic Analysis and Policy, 74, 448-463 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  34. Huang-Ping Yen, Jing-Wen Chang*, Kung-Cheng Ho, and Hao-Kai Hung. 2022. Foreign Muslim workers’ perspectives on the basic needs of Muslim-friendly tourist services at a non-Muslim destination: Application of the gradient boosting decision trees. Security and Communication Networks, 2022, 1676697(SCI). [CrossRef]

  35. Wei Li, Haiqi Li, Yuxuan Huang, and Kung-Cheng Ho. 2022. CEO career concern and corporate accounting information quality.Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics, 6, 96-102 (CSSCI). [CrossRef]

  36. Kung-Cheng Ho and Yujing Gong*. 2022. Information asymmetry and capital structure: Evidence from the Chinese stock market.International Finance, 25 (1), 84-102 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  37. Kung-Cheng Ho, Hung-Yi Huang, and Shengnan Liu*. 2022. Information disclosure ratings and managerial short-termism: An empirical investigation from Chinese capital market. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18, 349-381 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  38. Kung-Cheng Ho, Shih-Cheng Lee, and Ping-Wen Sun*. 2022. Disclosure quality, price efficiency, and expected returns.North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 59, 101573(SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  39. Kung-Cheng Ho, Hui-Min Li, and Yujing Gong*. 2022. How does corporate social performance affect investment inefficiency? An empirical study of China market.Borsa Istanbul Review, 22 (3), 515-524 (SSCI: Q1).[CrossRef].

  40. Xudong Tang, Yan Gu, Ruoyu Weng, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2022. Confucianism and corporate fraud. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 17 (6), 1425-1445 (SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  41. Kung-Cheng Ho*, Qian Wang,Xianming Sun,and Leonard F.S. Wang. 2022. How does corporate social responsibility affect firm leverage?Kybernetes, 51 (10), 2902-2926 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  42. Bing Wang, Kung-Cheng Ho, Xinyu Liu, and Yan Gu*. 2022. Industry cash flow volatility and stock price crash risk. Managerial and Decision Economics, 43 (2), 356-371 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  43. Yujing Gong, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2021. Corporate social responsibility and managerial short-termism.Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics,28 (5), 604-630 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  44. Yan Gu, Kung-Cheng Ho, Cheng Yan*, and Giray Gozgor. 2021. Public environmental concern, CEO turnover, and green investment: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Energy Economics, 100, 105379 (SSCI: Q1; ABS. Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  45. Chiu-Lan Chang, Ming Fang, Bin Hong*, and Kung-Cheng Ho. 2021. Impacts of monetary instruments on overnight spread under the interest rate corridor framework: Evidence from China.Business Process Management Journal, 27 (6), 1822-1835(SSCI). [CrossRef]

  46. Lingchen Liu, Yan Gu, Kung-Cheng Ho, andChiu-Lan Chang*. 2021. Customer concentration and analyst following: Evidence from China. Managerial and Decision Economics,97-110 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  47. Huang-Ping Yen, Po-Chi Chen, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2021. Analyzing the destination accessibility from the perspectives of tourism origin countries efficiency.SAGE OPEN, 11 (2), 21582440211005752 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  48. Yujing Gong, Cheng Yan, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2021. The effect of managerial ability on corporate social responsibility and firm value in the energy industry. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,28 (2), 581-594(SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  49. Xixi Shen,Kung-Cheng Ho*, Lu Yang,and Leonard F.S. Wang. 2020. Corporate social responsibility, market reaction, and accounting conservatism. Kybernetes, 50 (6), 1837-1872 (SCI). [CrossRef]

  50. Hung-Yi Huang and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2020. Liquidity, earnings management, and stock expected returns. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 54, 101261 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  51. Wang Chen, Kung-Cheng Ho, and Lu Yang *. 2020. Network structures and idiosyncratic contagion in the European sovereign credit default swap market.International Review of Financial Analysis, 72, 101594 (SSCI: Q1; ABS. Ranking: 3).[CrossRef]

  52. Lingchen Liu, Renji Sun, Yan Gu, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2020. The effect of China’s health insurance on labor supply of middle-aged and elderly farmers.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 (18), 6689 (SSCI: Q1 & SCI). [CrossRef]

  53. Lu Yang, Lia Yang, Kung-Cheng Ho, and Shigeyuki Hamori*. 2020. Dependence structures and risk spillover in China’s credit bond market: A copula-CoVaR approach.Journal of Asian Economics, 68, 101200 (SSCI).[CrossRef]

  54. Po-Hsiang Huang,Kung-Cheng Ho, and Hongfeng Peng*. 2020.Credit risk management of investment-loan linkage: Based on the perspective of the new capital accord. Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics & Law, 240 (3), 98-107 (CSSCI). [CrossRef]

  55. Yan Gu, Qianglong Zhou, and Kung-Cheng Ho*.2020. Financial flexibility and managerial short-termism.Annals of Economics and Finance, 21(1), 189-208 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  56. Kung-Cheng Ho, Huang-Ping Yen,Yan Gu, and Lisi Shi*. 2020. Does societal trust make firms more trustworthy? Emerging Markets Review,42, 100674(SSCI: Q1). [CrossRef]

  57. Yang Zhu, Xixi Shen, Kung-Cheng Ho, and Lisi Shi*. 2020. Disclosure quality rankings and stock misvaluation  Evidence from Chinese stock market. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56 (14), 3468-3489 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  58. Lu Yang, Lia Yang, Kung-Cheng Ho, and Shigeyuki Hamori*. 2019. Determinants of the long-term correlation between crude oil and stock markets.Energies,12(21), 4123 (SCI). [CrossRef]

  59. Chien-Chi Chu, Kung-Cheng Ho, Chia-Chun Lo, Andreas Karathanasopoulos, and I-Ming Jiang*. 2019.Information disclosure and transparency ranking system and firms' value deviation: Evidence from Taiwan.Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,53 (3), 721-744 (ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  60. Yujing Gong, Kung-Cheng Ho, Chia-Chun Lo, Andreas Karathanasopoulos, and I-Ming Jiang*. 2019. Forecasting price delay and future stock returns: The role of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Forecasting, 38, 354-373 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  61. Renji Sun, Kung-Cheng Ho, Yan Gu, and Chang-Chih Chen*. 2019. Asymmetric cost behaviour and investment in R&D: Evidence from China’s manufacturing listed companies.Sustainability, 11, 1785 (SSCI & SCI). [CrossRef]

  62. Kung-Cheng Ho, Jason Zhe Ma, Lu Yang, and Lisi Shi*. 2019. Do anticorruption efforts affect banking system stability?Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 28 (3), 277-298 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  63. Bing Wang, Si Xu*, Kung-Cheng Ho, I-Ming Jiang, and Hung-Yi Huang. 2019. Information disclosure ranking, industry production market competition, and mispricing: An empirical analysis.Sustainability, 11 (1), 261 (SSCI & SCI). [CrossRef]

  64. Jason Zhe Ma, Kung-Cheng Ho, Lu Yang, and Chien-Chi Chu*. 2018. Market sentiment and investor overreaction: Evidence from New York listed Asian country exchange traded funds. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 54 (11), 2455-2471 (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  65. Yujing Gong, and Kung-Cheng Ho*. 2018. Does corporate social responsibility matter for corporate stability? Evidence from China.Quality & Quantity, 52 (5), 2291-2319 (SSCI & SCI). [CrossRef]

  66. Jason Zhe Ma, Xiang Deng,Kung-Cheng Ho*, and Sang-Bing Tsai*. 2018. Regime-Switching determinants of emerging markets sovereign credit risk swaps spread. Sustainability, 10 (8), 2730 (SSCI & SCI). [CrossRef]

  67. Kung-Cheng Ho, Chien-Ting Lin, Shih-Cheng Lee, and Min-Teh Yu*. 2017. A comparative analysis of accounting-based valuation models. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 32 (4), 561-575 (ABS Ranking: 3). [CrossRef]

  68. Kung-Cheng Ho, Jiun-Lin Chen, and Shih-Cheng Lee*. 2017. Asset correlations and procyclical impact. Journal of Risk Model Validation, 11 (1), 1-20(Leading article) (SSCI). [CrossRef]

  69. Po-Hsiang Huang,Chen-Gang Ye, Kung-Cheng Ho*, and Cheng-Hong Guo. 2016. Analyzing downturn loss given default. Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, 11 (1), 1-18 (Leading article)(ABI; Econlit). [CrossRef]

  70. Kung-Cheng Ho, Shih-Cheng Lee, Po-Hsiang Huang*, and Ting-Yu Hsu. 2016. Distress risk and leverage puzzle: Evidence from Taiwan. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 6 (2), 77-83 (Econlit). [CrossRef]

  71. Lee-Hsien Pan, Chien-Ting Lin*, Shih-Cheng Lee, and Kung-Cheng Ho. 2015. Information ratings and capital structure. Journal of Corporate Finance, 31, 17-32. (SSCI: Q1; ABS. Ranking: 4). [CrossRef]

  72. Jiun-Lin Chen,Kung-Cheng Ho,Yu-Hong Liu, and Po-Hsiang Huang. 2013. Does neighbor fire cause more danger?Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, 8 (2), 33-44 (ABI). [CrossRef]

所授课程:Corporate Finance, Econometrics, Financial Software, Statistics


  • Accounting and Finance (SSCI)

  • Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI)

  • Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (SCI)

  • Asian Business & Management (SSCI)

  • Applied Economics (SSCI)

  • Applied Economics Letters (SSCI)

  • Applied Sciences(SCI)

  • Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (SSCI)

  • Chinese Management Studies (SSCI)

  • Corporate Governance: An International Review (SSCI)

  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management(SSCI)

  • Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society(SCI)

  • Economic Analysis and Policy (SSCI)

  • Electronic Commerce Research(SSCI)

  • Energy Economics (SSCI)

  • Energy & Environment (SCI)

  • Economic Modelling (SSCI)

  • Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI)

  • Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja (SSCI)

  • Financial Innovation (SSCI)

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  • International Journal of Finance and Economics (SSCI)

  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI)

  • International Review of Economics and Finance (SSCI)

  • Journal of Environmental and Public Health (SSCI)

  • Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (SCI)

  • Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI)

  • Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development (SCI)

  • Journal of the Knowledge Economy (ABS)

  • Journal of Mountain Science (SCI)

  • Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (SSCI)

  • Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ESCI)

  • Kybernetes (SCI)

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  • North American Journal of Economics and Finance (SSCI)


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  • Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting (SSCI)

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