The Effect of Anti-subsidy Actions on Corporate Disclosure of Subsidy Information
时 间:2023年4月27日09:00-12:00
地 点:北二342
摘 要:This paper examines the effect of anti-subsidy investigation and penalty (through countervailing duties) on disclosure of government subsidy information by Chinese listed firms. We find that firms reduce disclosure of subsidy information when their exported products are facing anti-subsidy investigation or charged countervailing duties. The effect is stronger when the countervailing duties are higher, when the affected firms have a higher export revenue from the product under investigation or penalty, when the country taking the anti-subsidy action has a worse relationship with China, and when the affected firms export to more countries. The effect persists into three years after the action and spills over to peer firms that export the investigated products to other countries or export similar products.
主讲人介绍:曾诚,香港理工大学会计金融学院助理教授,曾任教于英国曼彻斯特大学和布里斯托大学。他的研究兴趣为:制度因素对企业会计行为的影响,国际会计准则,企业社会责任和证券估值。他的研究成果发表于多本国际期刊,包括Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Management Science, Accounting, Organizations & Society, Research Policy, Journal of Corporate Finance等。