【国家金融学高端讲座第7期】主讲人:贺佳|题目:The Cost of Business Mistakes|时间:11月17日

题  目:The Cost of Business Mistakes: Consumption Response to Corporate Penalties


时  间:2022年11月17日19:00-22:00

地  点:腾讯会议 559-633-012




摘  要

Using transaction-level credit card spending from a leading Chinese commercial bank, we show that consumers reduce their consumption by 34% immediately after the publicity of penalties on a firm. The same consumers do not reduce consumption of non-punished firms, nor do consumers who do not have a prior consumption record on punished firms. Additionally, we find significant substitution effects to non-punished firms whose Merchant Category Codes match those of punished firms. This negative consumer response results in a 57% decrease in spending on punished firms. We also find significant post-penalty period costs to firms in terms of reduced profits and negative Cumulative Abnormal Returns. The findings of this paper suggest new insights into consumption dynamics and the real cost of penalties on firms.



贺佳,南开大学金融学院长任副教授,金融经济系主任,博士生导师,教育部“国家青年人才项目”计划入选者,亚洲金融与经济研究局(ABFER)Fellow,南开大学“百名青年学科带头人”。研究领域为房地产金融、家庭金融、消费金融。在Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science等杂志公开发表论文多篇。多次获得国内外金融领域学术奖励,如PWC3535最佳论文奖,Global Social Science Institute (GSSI) International Real Estate Review最佳论文奖,中国国际风险论坛最佳论文奖,中国金融学术年会最佳论文奖,亚洲房地产学会最佳论文奖,南开大学首届科学研究青年创新奖等。入选天津市131创新型人才第二层次人选,2017年入选由第一财经|中国房地产金融发起的“中国青年经济学家”计划,并被授予“2017年度中国青年经济学家奖”,荣获天津市青年五四奖章和南开大学青年五四奖章。

