Portfolio Allocations Using Online Investor Sentiment
时 间:2022年5月26日19:30-21:30
地 点:腾讯会议:721-492-178

摘 要:First, we study the online investor sentiment and propose two investor sentiment indices based on Internet search queries, constructed based on partial least squares and LASSO methods, respectively. By examining the relationship between investor sentiment and stock risk premium on overall market level, we find that these sentiment indices have predictive power both in and out of samples. However, online investor sentiment proxies are generally high-dimensional. Conventionally, we need to run forecasting in two steps: build a low-dimensional index and do a prediction but with a help of machine learning, prediction can be done in one step. The results in our empirical study help us have a better understanding of the nonlinearity between online investor sentiment and future stock return. Finally, we propose a nonparametric generalized method of moment as in Cai and Li (2008) to estimate the portfolio policy using an investment sentiment index for optimal asset allocations. The empirical findings show that the market timing depending on investor sentiment is nonlinear and varies across assets. This is a joint work with Mr. Pixiong Chen.
主讲人介绍:蔡宗武,男,美国堪萨斯大学经济系经济学教授和计量经济学Charles Oswald Distinguished(杰出或者资深)教授。1982年取得武汉地质学院(现为中国地质大学,武汉)数学学士学位,1988 年获得杭州大学(现为浙江大学)统计学硕士学位,1995年获得美国加州大学戴维斯校区统计学博士学位。现在主要研究领域包含理论和应用计量经济学、经济分析和政策评估、金融计量学、风险管理、非线性和非平稳时间序列建模和检验、非参数函数估计和检验,以及大数据分析与建模等多个领域,其主要的研究工作与创新在于成功地把统计学与经济学以及金融学紧密地结合起来,并取得许多国际上一流的研究成果,积极推动交叉学科的综合与发展。蔡宗武教授曾为“中国留美经济学会”会长(2018-2019)和理事长(2020)。蔡教授现在是《中国计量经济学学报》、Econometric Reviews和Big Data and Cloud Innovation 等多家国际一流经济学、统计学和数据科学以及金融学期刊的副主编,同时也是美国统计协会和《Journal of conometrics》的Fellow、国际计量经济学会和国际泛华统计协会等会员。在国际计量经济学、金融计量学界、统计学以及数据科学领域有很高的影响力。在计量经济学和统计学领域,取得许多富有创新性的研究成果,具有国际领先地位的学术造诣。在国际顶尖级的经济学与统计学以及金融学等期刊上发表了论文120 多篇。