题目:Macroeconomic Cycle and the Adjustment of Cost Structure
时间:2019年12月06日 15:00-17:00
主讲人介绍:诸波,男,四川南充人,会计学博士、工商管理博士后,西南交通大学经济管理学院会计学系副主任、会计学系讲师、硕士生导师,国家公派纽约州立大学石溪分校访问学者,美国会计学会会员。研究方向为管理会计、公司财务与公司治理。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 1 项、中央高校基本科研经费“百人计划”项目 1 项、横向课题 1 项、校级教改项目 1 项,主研国家自然科学基金项目 3 项、教育部人文社会科学规划项目 1 项。已在Economic Modelling,Nankai Business Review International,会计研究、南开管理评论、当代会计评论等期刊发表论文 10 余篇,出版管理会计学术专著 1 部,论文获得中国会计学会优秀论文二等奖、四川省第十六次哲学社会科学三等奖、四川省注册会计师协会优秀科研成果二等奖、中国会计学会财务成本分会优秀论文二等奖。
Abstract: Using the data of Chinese manufacturing listed firms from 1998 to 2016, this paper empirically examines the effect of macroeconomic cycle on cost structure. We find that when firms are in the expansion period, cost structure is less flexible, that is, variable cost is relatively low; when firms are in the recession period, their cost structure is more flexible, namely, and variable cost accounts for a relatively higher proportion. In addition, the “counter-cyclical effect” of macroeconomic cycle on cost flexibility is more pronounced among non-state-owned enterprises located in well-developed factor market, that is, the relationship between macroeconomic cycle and cost flexibility is significantly negative. However, that does not exist in state-owned enterprises facing under-developed factor market. In this paper, cost behavior is embedded in an interactive research framework of macroeconomic conditions and corporate behavior, thus the explanatory power of theory framework is expanded, the theoretical knowledge on cost behavior is deepened. Moreover, cost behavior also provides policy implication for transformation and development of China’s real economy.
Keywords: Macroeconomic cycle, Cost structure, Ownership types, Factor market.